MOTW Ep 29 – Mount Macros

These come to us via the Robot of Ask Mr. Robot fame.

#show Swift Flight Form
/cast [modifier:ctrl] Running Wild; [modifier:alt] Sandstone Drake; [swimming] Aquatic Form; [combat] Travel Form; [flyable,nocombat] Swift Flight Form; Travel Form

What it does courtesy of

If you were holding the control key then:
Cast Running Wild on the currently targeted unit

Else, if you were holding the alt key then:
Cast Sandstone Drake on the currently targeted unit

Else, if you are swimming then:
Cast Aquatic Form on the currently targeted unit

Else, if you are in combat then:
Cast Travel Form on the currently targeted unit

Else, if you are in a zone allowing flying and are not in combat then:
Cast Swift Flight Form on the currently targeted unit

Cast Travel Form on the currently targeted unit

/cast [modifier:ctrl] Swift White Ram; [flyable] Red Proto-Drake; Swift White Ram

What it does courtesy of

If you were holding the control key then:
Cast Swift White Ram on the currently targeted unit

Else, if you are in a zone allowing flying then:
Cast Red Proto-Drake on the currently targeted unit

Cast Swift White Ram on the currently targeted unit

8 thoughts on “MOTW Ep 29 – Mount Macros

  1. Is there a way to do this without a modifier for a ground mount? Like, the ground mount will auto-cast if you’re not in combat, not swimming, and in a no-flying zone?

  2. I believe that is what the macro already does. If it fails in all other conditions it will cast your ground mount, which in this case was set as “Travel Form.” You can change that to any ground mount you wish.

    If that’s not what you were asking let me know.


    1. okay, here’s exactly what i have typed:

      #show Swift Flight Form
      /cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; [combat,flying] Swift Flight Form; [combat] Travel Form; [flyable,nocombat] Swift Flight Form; Amber Scorpion

      what did i do wrong? i don’t need the running wild–not a worgen–and i never use a flying mount on my druid, so i don’t need those parts. did accidentally take something else out that’s necessary?

      when i attempt to use it underwater, i get “Cannot use while swimming,” and in combat, “Cannot use in combat.”

      1. i haven’t yet tried it in a BG or on the isle of the thunder king, so i don’t know if the ground mount part is working. swift flight form is working fine with the macro, though.

  3. Everything looks okay to me right now in your macro. I’ll fire up the druid tonight [shudder] in game and see if I can figure out what the issue is.

    1. Thanks, much appreciated!!! Extra super bonus points if you make it cast dash(and auto cat form) when indoors….. 😀

        1. Alright, here it is.

          #show Swift Flight Form
          /cast [form:3,indoors]Dash;[indoors]Cat Form;[swimming]Aquatic Form;[combat]Travel Form;[flyable,nocombat]Swift Flight Form;Amber Scorpion

          If you want to use the indoors portion you need to hit the button 2x. The first time will put you in cat form if you are indoors and the second time will cast dash if you are in cat form and indoors.

          As for the Aquatic form error you were getting, I am not sure. It was working for me. The in combat was failing however because you cannot cast Flight Form while in combat. I will edit the one we have posted as well. Can’t be caught giving bad macros! 😉

          Anyways, let me know if this works for you and if you want it modified more, let me know. I’ll see what I can do.

          Hope you enjoy the show and thanks for listening!

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